August 12, 2020 Google Algorithm Update (Unconfirmed)

Big ranking changes in search results point to a potential update in Google’s algorithm.

Kevin Keene
1 min readAug 14, 2020

So far this year, Google has released 2 core algorithm updates and a variety of unconfirmed updates that have largely shaken up the search results. On top of this, Google announced an algorithm update planned for next year called the Page Experience Update. Just when SEOs thought 2020 couldn’t get busier, there looks to be another algorithm update on Wednesday, August 12.

This update has not been confirmed by Google, however, there have been reports of large ranking fluctuations on the 12th. Rank trackers like the SEMRush Sensor reported higher ranking volatility than normal. Site owners on SEO forums like Webmaster World also voiced ranking changes for their sites.

Many initially believed this to be the rollback of an algorithm glitch that occurred two days before on August 10th. This glitch caused widespread ranking changes in search results for a few hours and was confirmed by Google to be a bug in their algorithm. The bug was officially fixed by the next day, however, suggesting the update on the 12th is likely a separate issue.

